Workshop Introduction

"Thank you all for a stimulating five weeks' (plus) of learning together. It has been very helpful to step back from my own DE teaching and learn from you. Your comments, ideas, and questions have been a great contribution to my learning."
G.B., Michigan

"Your model (and modeling as an instructor) has provided a wonderful place to jump from in the development of one's own faculty intro to DE course."
V.H., Maryland

"Fantastic - I learned so much about good facilitation!!"
L.S., New Zealand

"This experience has also given me a basis for some substantive empathy... walking-in-their-shoes... for de students next spring."
G.L., Nebraska

"Thanks for offering such a good workshop at a reasonable price!"
T.R., Arkansas

"I would like to make participation in this workshop mandatory for all of my DE professors. "
S.L., South Carolina

"In this course, the most important thing I've learned is how important the learner-learner interaction is in d.e. I've added a reflective discussion forum assignment in my online course, with learner-learner interactivity, and will add another one or two in future."
D.D., Canada

Teaching At A Distance: From Concept to Practice

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The upcoming April/May 2007 session will be the final workshop offered. After a very successful 4 years of offering the Online Workshop, new priorities/projects are demanding more and more attention and it is now time to move on to them. Thanks to everyone who have participated in the workshops and have made them such a tremendous success. Good luck in all of your distance education endeavors!! Joe Levine

Is this workshop for me?

Hopefully the instructional focus of Teaching At a Distance and your own learning needs are a perfect match. However, that's not always the case. It's well worth a couple of minutes to double check the match.

First, try exploring this website. It's loaded with information about the Online Workshop, it's focus and the process by which it will be offered. Check out the Syllabus that will be used, the Schedule that will be followed, and the sorts of Readings you will be expected to spend some time with.

Next, take the Pre-Assessment that begins on this page. It will further help you decide whether or not the workshop fits your own needs.

Here goes -

Pre-Assessment - Part 1

The first five items on the pre-assessment are designed to make sure you have the entry level understandings/interests that are necessary for being successful in the Online Workshop.

    Item 1 - I already have a pretty good idea about distance education. I'd like to further refine my thinking.

      [ . . ] This sounds like me.

      [ . . ] This is NOT me.

    Item 2 - I am already aware of the basic vocabulary used in distance education (asynchronous learning, download, teleconference, correspondence study, self-directed learning, etc.).

      [ . . ] This sounds like me.

      [ . . ] This is NOT me.

    Item 3 - I have already participated in a distance education course/program (or, have discussed distance education with someone who has).

      [ . . ] This sounds like me.

      [ . . ] This is NOT me.

    Item 4 - I'm pretty comfortable using a computer for learning.

      [ . . ] This sounds like me.

      [ . . ] This is NOT me.

    Item 5 - I am already planning to create my own distance education course/program.

      [ . . ] This sounds like me.

      [ . . ] This is NOT me.

If you answered 4 or 5 of these items with "This sounds like me," you're probably ready for the Online Workshop. Welcome!! Now it's time to go on to Pre-Assessment - Part 2.

If, instead, you answered 3 or more of these items with "This is NOT me," you may not want to participate in the Online Workshop at this time. The Online Workshop is probably more advanced than what you would like. Instead, check out some of the following websites for some very good introductory information about distance education.

    Distance Education At a Glance (
    A series of very practical publications on distance education from the University of Idaho - Engineering Outreach. (
    Information and news about distance education in the US.

    Distance Learning on the Net (
    A variety of types of information to support teachers and learners wanting to teach/learn at a distance.

    Distance Education Clearing House (
    Operated by University of Wisconsin - Extension. Well maintained and updated. Very comprehensive set of information about all aspects of distance education.

    Copyright © 2006-2007